Mellanox InfiniBandスイッチ SX6025 HP P/N: アウトレット 712496-B21 レールキット付き、初期化済みテスト済み
Mellanox InfiniBandスイッチ SX6025 HP P/N: 712496-B21 レールキット付き、初期化済みテスト済み テストログは下記の内容をご確認ください。同商品が数台ありシリアルナンバーなどが異なることもありますのでご参考ください。 ## Mellanox SX6025 S/N: CN73360006## This device is externally managed system.# The device was reset by reset button.## LEDs# System Status LED : Solid Green -> The system is up and running (normal condition).# FAN Status LED : Solid Green -> All fans are up and running (normal condition).# Power Status LED PS1 : Solid Green -> The Power supply is running in normal condition.# Power Status LED PS2 : Off -> Not implement.## This device status is good.
## Mellanox SX6025 S/N: CN73360006## This device is externally managed system.# The device was reset by reset button.## LEDs# System Status LED : Solid Green -> The system is up and running (normal condition).# FAN Status LED : Solid Green -> All fans are up and running (normal condition).# Power Status LED PS1 : Solid Green -> The Power supply is running in normal condition.# Power Status LED PS2 : Off -> Not implement.## This device status is good.
■ 保証期間: 納品受領後、3日以内まで保証します。■